Looking For Homeowners Insurance?
Why Choose AZ Insurance Shop For Your Homeowners Insurance Needs?
Below are just a few reasons why you should use AZ Insurance Shop for your homeowner insurance
Renters insurance is like homeowner insurance but to understand the differences please contact us so we can help you with your Homeowner and Renter insurance needs.

You don't have to do any shopping,
we do that for you. We just bring you coverage and cost comparisons making it easy for you to make decision

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since we do the shopping. Who doesn't want more time back in their day?

save money.
We get discounts that you can't get since we are insurance brokers. We pass that savings on to you!

We don't charge a fee
for our time or services, that's already worked out with our partnering insurance companies
What Is Home Owners Insurance?
Homeowners Insurance provides coverage for your personal belongings, coverage for damages to the structure of your property, and liability coverage which pays for bodily injuries and property damage to other people, if you are liable. Whether you own a home, condo or rent an apartment you should know what coverage protects you and your belongings.
Common home insurance definitions.
Your physical home and the structures attached to it. You should have Replacement
Cost which provides an additional amount to repair or rebuild.
Structures that are not directly attached to your dwelling. For example a detached garage or storage shed.
Your personal possessions such as furniture, clothing and appliances. Certain types of possessions have limited coverage or may be excluded. Be sure to discuss these limitations with your agent as you may need additional coverage. You should have Replacement Cost as this will pay current market value versus actual cash value.
Also referred to as Additional Living Expense. If a major covered loss makes your house uninhabitable, this coverage will reimburses you for your housing and other living expenses while your home is being repaired.
A deductible applies to the property portion of the homeowner’s policy. It is the amount you would have to pay out of your own pocket before the insurance will cover expenses. Common deductibles are $250, $500, $1000. The higher your deductible, the lower your policy premium will be. If you are purchasing a new home, it is a good idea to see what your lenders requirements are on maximum insurance deductibles.
Insurance for what the policyholder is legally obligated to pay because of bodily injury or property damage caused to another person. Most homeowner policies provide a minimum of $100,000 of liability protection, with the option of increasing to fit your needs.
This pays all reasonable and necessary medical expenses to a guest(s) if injured while on your property. Payments are without regard to fault for a specified period from the date of an accident and do not cover the policyholder, or residents of the household.
Do You Qualify For Home Owners Insurance Discounts?
You may be eligible for discounts on your auto insurance policy.
Be sure to discuss these discounts with when you give us a call: